IFCEE 2018 ADSC (The International Association of Foun- dation Drilling), DFI (Deep Foundations Institute), G-I (Geo- Institute of American Society of Civil Engineers) and PDCA (Pile Driving Contractors Association) have joined forces again for the International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo, March 5-10, 2018. The 2018 event is being held at the Buena Vista Palace Hotel in Orlando, Fla. IFCEE 2018 is a mega technical conference and equipment show dedicated to the design and construction of foundation systems, using the latest geo- engineering and geo-construction tech- nologies and practices. This one-of-a-kind event will attract attendees from around the world to attend technical education programs and the wo r l d ’s l a r g e s t equipment expo- sition dedicated to the deep founda- tions industry. The program will include technical paper sessions, panel discussions, indoor exhibits, an outdoor equipment exposition, educational short courses, technical committee meetings and networking events. The technical program will include keynote lectures delivered in plenary sessions and technical sessions with multiple concurrent tracks. The Congress will also feature DFI’s annual Osterberg Memorial Lecture and presentation of the Ben C. Gerwick Award as well as G-I’s annual Peck, Seed and Terzaghi Lectures, ADSC’s O’Neill Lecture and PDCA’s inaugural E.A.L. Smith Lecture. Abstracts Due January 15, 2017 Papers are welcomed on all aspects of geotechnical engineering design and analysis, construction, testing, quality assurance, contracts and procurement, research, and case histories, however, abstracts with a foundations focus are encouraged. Papers that reflect the varied viewpoints of stakeholders are also encouraged: general and specialty contractors, consulting and design engineers, policy makers, owners, researchers, educators, and students. Collaborative submissions from a team of stakeholders (for example, a designer and a contractor) are particularly welcomed. The deadline for abstracts is January 15, 2017. For more details about the conference visit www.ifcee2018.com. Mark your calendars, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales for IFCEE 2018 open January 9, 2017.