Helical Piles and Tiebacks Committee – Analyzing shake table testing conducted on helical piles (see p. 117). DFI committee members and other industry partners are contributing funds to support this five- phase helical seismic research project being conducted by Professor Amy Cerato of University of Oklahoma. The project began in 2015 and is intended to study the performance of helical piles under seismic loading conditions. Up-to-date information o n t h e p r o j e c t i s a v a i l a b l e a t http://cerato.ou.edu/research/helical- piles-as-sustainable-and-resilient- foundations/. Phases 1 and 2 have already been awarded, including a detailed literature search and large-scale shake table tests conducted at the University of California, San Diego. DFI’s contribution will fund part of Phase 3, which will include the analysis of the shake table tests. The deliverable will include a design report with readily implementable recommendations. Funding amount: $20,000. For the past five years, the Committee Project Fund initiative has generated productive committee discussions about In-kind Contributions 2012-2016 Augered Cast-in-Place Pile $23,000 Sustainability $59,400 Soil Mixing $10,500 Slurry Wall $83,160 Seismic and Lateral Loads $101,800 Helical Piles and Tiebacks $375,200 Tiebacks and Soil Nailing $125,000 Drilled Shaft $64,000 Driven Pile $49,000 Ground Improvement $15,000 Marine Foundations $25,000 Micropile $46,500 Landslides/Slope Stabilization $60,525 industry needs. DFI leaders are interested in exploring other funding mechanisms for proposals that were unable to be awarded because of DFI funding limitations. on- C tact Mary Ellen Bruce Large, DFI technical activities manager, at [email protected] if you would lik e to help identify associated groups that could be approached to partner on projects and/or provide funding. The 2017 Request for Proposals was issued May 1, 2016, with a deadline for sub- mission of proposals of December 1, 2016. 30 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • MAY/JUNE 2016