DFI Technical Committee Chairs Augered Cast-in-Place Pile Morgan NeSmith, P.E. Berkel and Company Contractors Codes and Standards Daniel Stevenson, P.E. Berkel and Company Contractors Deep Foundations for Landslides/Slope Stabilization Chris Ramsey, P.E. Amec Foster Wheeler Environmental & Infrastructure Drilled Shaft Paul Axtell, P.E., D.GE Dan Brown and Associates Driven Pile Ben Vance, P.E. Strata Ground Improvement Tanner Blackburn, Ph.D., P.E. Hayward Baker Helical Piles and Tiebacks Gary Seider, P.E. Hubbell Power Systems/Chance Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers Mark Bryant, EIT MacLean Power Systems Civil Division Marine Foundations Rick Ellman, P.E. Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers Micropile Steve Davidow, P.E., S.E. Quanta Subsurface Seismic and Lateral Loads Kwabena Ofori-Awuah, P.E. KCI Technologies Slurry Wall Giovanni Bonita, Ph.D., P.E., P.G. GEI Consultants Soil Mixing David Miller, P.E. ADM Consulting Subsurface Characterization for Deep Foundations Victor Donald, P.E. Terracon Sustainability Carlos Englert, P.E. Terracon Testing and Evaluation Gerald Verbeek Allnamics Pile Testing Experts Tiebacks and Soil Nailing Ed Laczynski, P.E. G.A.& F.C. Wagman Women in Deep Foundations Helen Robinson, P.E. GEI Consultants Working Group Chairs Electric Power Systems Foundations Peter Kandaris, P.E. DiGioia Gray & Associates Steve Davidow. P.E., S.E. Quanta Subsurface Energy Foundations Tony Amis GI Energy Guney Olgun, Ph.D. Virginia Tech Seepage Control Michael Kynett, P.E. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers workshops. If you would like to be added to the speaker database, please complete the web-based form provided on the DFI Ground Improvement Te chni c a l Committee webpage. If you are interested in searching the database as you plan a seminar or workshop, please contact Mary Ellen Large, DFI director of technical activities, at [email protected]. Lastly, the committee is always seeking ideas for new initiatives and projects, including research eligible for DFI Com- mittee Project Funds. Please feel free to contact me directly at jtblackburn@ haywardbaker.com to discuss your ideas and proposals. COMMITTEE CHAIR MORGAN NESMITH, P.E. Augered Cast-in-Place Pile Committee In conjunction with the Pittsburgh Chapter of the ASCE/GI, the committee held a one- day seminar in April on ACIP and drilled displacement (DD) piles. The seminar topics included equipment development; current installation, testing and quality monitoring techniques; design consid- erations and performance-test evaluation techniques; nondestructive testing methods; grout/concrete mix design considerations; and case histories of the performance of the various pile types discussed. The committee plans to use this as a model for further cooperation with ASCE/GI chapters to provide seminars or lunch/dinner presentations for local chapter meetings. In December 2016, the committee completed an ACIP pile installation, monitoring, testing and extraction program in conjunction with the Florida DOT and University of South Florida (USF). Funding and in-kind contributions were provided by the DFI Committee Project Fund, commi t tee member organizations and industry partners. Data from the program is currently being processed by the committee and USF, and will be published during the coming year. In March 2017, the committee provided review comments for a proposed update of the current NAVFAC ACIP Pile Specifications. The committee is currently providing comments to the Florida DOT regarding a new proposed specification for published 3 edition of the DFI ACIP Pile Manual (Mode l Spe c i f i cat ion wi th ACIP piles for bridges. The recently rd Commentary) has been provided to both organizations as an overview of current standards of practice. The committee has also been requested, and has committed, to provide a proposed specification for ACIP piles to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) by November 2017, for its consideration and incorporation. This effort is being spearheaded by our trustee liaison, Matt Meyer of Langan Engineering and Environmental Services. A proposed research project on the lateral forces generated during installation of drilled displacement piles was approved for funding in 2017 by the DFI Committee Project Fund. The goal is to initiate the development of guidance for the safe installation of DD piles near existing structures such as tunnels, retaining walls and ut i l i t ies. Dr. Antonio (Tony) Marinucci, M.B.A., P.E., of V2C Strategists is leading this project for the committee in partnership with Dr. Anne Lemnitzer, P.E., of the University of California, Irvine. Lastly, the committee will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, October 24, 2017, at DFI’s Annual Conference in New Orleans. As always, all are welcome. It should be noted that at the committee meeting held at the DFI Annual Conference in New York City, the committee unanimously voted to continue to be awesome. It is considered likely that this trend will continue in 2017.