TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES MARY ELLEN BRUCE LARGE, P.E., D.GE, DIRECTOR OF TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES Technical Activities Update Find Common Ground — Join a DFI Group As a member of DFI you can participate in one of our many DFI Technical Committees or Working Groups and collaborate with your peers, influence the profession, build consensus, develop leadership skills and extend your network. COMMITTEE CHAIR TANNER BLACKBURN, PH.D., P.E. Ground Improvement Committee The Ground Improvement Committee continues to serve as a resource for industry practitioners; federal, state and local agencies; academia; and contractors. One common committee contribution is to facilitate, coordinate and conduct reviews prior to public release of specifications, guidelines and manuals by industry experts. In 2016, members of the committee provided feedback for the updated version of FHWA’s Geotechnical Engineering Circular (GEC) No. 13 – Ground Modifica- tion Techniques, originally scheduled for publication in 2017. In February, a subcommittee led by Brian Metcalfe of Geopier Foundation Company reviewed NAVFAC’s Densified Aggregate Pier COMMITTEE CHAIR CARLOS ENGLERT, P.E. Sustainability Committee The committee wrapped up a two-year effort to promote the EFFC-DFI Carbon Calculator within the U.S. (www.geotechnical The effort involved a short course pre- sented by Marine Lasne of Entrepose Group and myself during the DFI Workshop on Levee and Coastal Rehabilitation held in Miami, February 12-14, 2014, as well as presentations by me and Gerald Verbeek of Allnamics Pile Testing Experts at various DFI seminars and short courses. The presentations highlighted the capabilities of the calculator as a value engineering tool, and presented proven sustainable practices that improve the performance of deep foundation elements and ground improvement, which have the potential to save money and reduce the carbon footprint — definitively a win-win scenario. The committee considers that knowledge of the availability and benefits of the carbon calculator is now widespread. During the next two years, the committee will research federal, state and local existing and proposed regulations regarding sustainability in the construction industry that could have an impact on the foundation industry. Depending on the outcome of this effort, the committee will recommend a path forward to embrace or provide industry expert feedback to the regulating agencies in an effort to influence policymakers to make a realistic approach to sustainability for deep foundation elements and ground improvement. We look forward to receiving any leads and/or comments on existing or proposed regulations relating to sustainability from the DFI membership. Leads or comments can be directed to me at [email protected] or to the committee trustee, Gianfranco DiCicco, at [email protected] , or can be voiced at the next Sustainability Committee meeting being held at DFI’s SSI: Stabilize, Support and Improve seminar in Washington, D.C., on August 28-30, 2017. Specifications, which is being updated by a contracted consulting engineering firm. The sub- committee consisted of committee member s represent ing academia, consulting, contracting and government. The comment s provided by the subcommittee during the review process were well received and integrated into the final specification. In concert with DFI’s and ASCE Geo- Institute’s (ASCE/GI’s) recent efforts to increase cooperation, the committee is working to enhance collaboration with the ASCE/GI’s Soil Improvement Committee. Both committees will have at least one representative attend and participate in the other’s meetings to relay information about any initiatives or deliverables that would be relevant to both groups. In addition, the leadership of both committees will conduct a brief semi-annual conference call to discuss current and upcoming initiatives, seminars, workshops and publications. Another committee initiative is being led by Lyle Simonton of Subsurface Constructors to develop, populate and maintain a speaker database. The database, which will be maintained by the committee leadership, contains contact information for a potential presenter and information about the presentation (abstract and past conferences presented). Upon request to DFI, the database will be provided to local geotechnical organizations and groups who are seeking ground improvement speakers for upcoming seminars and DEEP FOUNDATIONS • JULY/AUG 2017 • 91 If you are interested in joining a committee, please send a letter on your company letterhead, indicating which committee you want to join, why you want to join the committee and describe your involvement in that technology/discipline to: [email protected] .